duminică, 14 octombrie 2012

Sabrina's review: The Repossession by Sam Hawksmoor

Buna! :)
Am terminat si cartea The Repossession.
Acum fix 12 zile ma plangeam ca e prea lunga! :))
Acum ma plang ca a fost prea scurta...
Oricum, am avut grija sa nu dau nici un spoiler. Deci cititi linistiti.:)

 Povestea pe care am intalnit-o in aceasta carte este unica. 
In timp ce copiii din Spurlake incep sa dispara intr-un mod misterios, Genie Magee este inchisa in propria camera de mama ei, care o acuza ca e posedata de diavol. In seara de dinaintea evadarii, fata ultimului copil disparut apare pe peretele din camera lui Genie si ii spune ca ea este urmatoarea. 
Rian, singurul prieten al ei, o ajuta sa evadeze, iar cei doi fug din Spurlake. Pe drum, multe obstacole apar si acestea ii fac pe cei doi sa ajunga la ferma lui Marshall, un fost savant. Impreuna, cei trei afla cine i-a rapit pe copiii din Spurlake si incearca sa-i salveze. Pe parcursul intregii povesti, multe indicii apar si numai citind cartea veti afla totul.
Povestea se incalceste foarte mult, iar finalul este cam dezamagitor, insa nu vreau sa va dau vreun spoiler.
Nota mea: 5/5

Parerea mea

The Repossession este mai mult un thriller Sci-Fi, desi ma asteptam sa fie mai mult in genul fantasy. Toata povestea se desfasoara intr-un ritm constant, astfel incat nu te face sa te plictisesti deloc, ba chiar te tine in suspans. Mi-a placut foarte mult stilul lui Sam - m-a cucerit si m-a pastrat intrigata pe tot parcursul celor 500 de pagini ale cartii lui. 
Totusi, mi s-a parut cam crud faptul ca acei copii nu aveau prea mari sanse de a scapa din mainile savantilor. Sfarsitul, dupa cum am mai spus, a fost dezamagitor si ma asteptam ca totul sa iasa bine, iar copiii sa scape si sa se intoarca la familiile lor. Va spun de pe acum ca nu este asa. 
Interesanta este si coperta. Va veti intreba multa vreme ce semnifica, iar eu nu va voi dezvalui nimic. Vreau sa profitati si voi de misterul pe care Sam il creeaza. 
Sper sa ajung sa citesc si continuarea, The Hunting. La sfarsitul cartii, Sam ne-a inclus un capitol din cel de-al doilea volum, ceea ce mi-a starnit mai mult interesul. As vrea sa aflu daca, pana la urma, protagonistii vor scapa din mainile celor cu adevarat rai si vor ajunge sa traiasca o viata normala - desi probabil ca nu.


I received this book free from the author in exchange of a honest review. Thank you, Sam!

 The story I encountered in this book is unique.
While the children from Spurlake BC start to disappear in a mysterious way, Genie Magee si trapped in her own room by her mother, which accuses her of being possessed by the devil. The day before she escape, the face of the last child who went missing appears on the wall of her room and tells her that she is next.
Rian, her only real friend, helps her escape and both run away from Spurlake. Along the way, many obstacles overcome and they make them to reach to Marshall's farm, an ex-scientist. Toghether, they find out who kidnapped the missing kids from Spurlake and they try to save them. During the whole story, a lot of clues appear and you have to read the book to find out what it's all about.

The story will have you hooked, but the ending is a bit disappointing - I won't give you any spoilers!

My mark: 5/5
My opinion

The Repossession is more like a Sci-Fi thriller, though I expected it to have more fantasy. The whole story takes place in a steady pace, so you don't get bored at all, and it keeps you in suspense. I really liked Sam Hawksmoor's stile - it won and kept me intrigued throughout the 500 pages of this book.
However, it seemed a bit cruel that all those children had little chance to escape from the hands the scientists. The end, as I said, was a little bit disappointing, but...I'll shut up! :))

Interesting cover. You'll wonder what signifies, but I won't reveal anything.

I hope I'll have the opportunity to read the sequel, The Hunting. At the end of the book, Sam included one chapter of the second novel, wich sparked my interest more. I would like to find out if, after all, the protagonists will escape from the hands of the bad guys forever and will get to live a normal life - though probably not.

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