duminică, 2 decembrie 2012

In my dreams, by Cameo Renae

Din nou, vă prezint o carte pe care am ajuns sa o îndrăgesc si care ma bantuie, la propriu, chiar dacă nu am citit-o încă. Dar, oh, Doamne, cât de mult îmi doresc să o pot citi... :o3 
Este vorba despre In my dreams, scrisa de Cameo Renae.
Va vine sa credeti ca am visat-o noaptea trecuta? Mie inca nu-mi vine sa cred. Nu-mi amintesc mare lucru din acel vis, dar stiu ca a fost un vis frumos, pentru ca nu vroiam sa se termine, si am tot fortat nota, ca sa-l continui, de aceea am ajuns sa ma dau jos din pat abia la 11 dimineata. :)) A fost ciudat si inspaimantator in acelasi timp, dar m-a facut si mai curioasa in legatura cu aceasta carte. Poftiti niste informatii despre ea, traduse de mine de pe Goodreads:

Se întâmpla din nou. Visurile. Coşmarurile. Era ceva despre care Elizabeth Hayes a crezut că a trecut peste.
Visuri care  ar deveni realitate... premoniţii detaliate despre cum oamenii ar muri.
Dar de data asta, ea il visează pe prietenul ei, Michael Young, şi în curând primeşte un telefon din care află că a fost găsit corpul lui... fără viaţă. Viaţa i se schimbă instantaneu, dar acesta e doar începutul. Michael a fost ucis, iar acum ucigaşul lui se află pe urmele ei.
Alătură-te lui Michael, pe măsură ce învaţă de puterile sale supranaturale ca să o salveze pe Lizzy, şi lupta lui Lizzy pentru a rămâne în viaţă.
In my dreams este o carte despre iubirea necondiţionată. Tipul de iubire care există dincolo de mormânt. Este o poveste care iţi va sfâşia inima, ți-o va frânge şi ți-o va reface, iar apoi o să ţi-o ducă într-o cursă sălbatică a emoţiei.


I just wanted to show to all of you one book that's been haunting me, literaly. In my dreams, by Cameo Renae. Can you believe it that I actually dreamed it last night? I don't remember much from this dream, but all I know is that I didn't wanted to end, and I kept pushing the limit of my sleep, and that's how I got out from my bed at 11 am. :)) It is strange and creepy at the same time, 'cause I haven't read it yet. But it made me more curious about the book. Here's some info about
 It was happening again. The dreams. The nightmares. It was something that seventeen-year old Elizabeth Hayes thought she'd outgrown... dreams that would come true...detailed premonitions of how people would die.
But this time, she has a dream of her boyfriend, Michael Young, and soon gets a call saying that Michael's body has been found...dead. Her world is changed in an instant, but that's just the beginning. Michael's been murdered, and now his killer is after her.
Join Michael as he learns about his supernatural gifts to help save Lizzy, and Lizzy's battle to stay alive.
In My Dreams is a story of unconditional love. The kind of love that lives beyond the grave. It is a story that will grip your heart, break and re-mend it, and take it on a wild ride of emotion.

Where you can find the book:

The book will be rereleased on december 14 by Crushing Hearts&Black Butterfly Publishing, and I guess that right then will appear the new link of order.
About the author:

Cameo Renae

My family is what keeps my heart beating, and my world a happier place to be.
I love reading great books that whisk me away from reality, even if for a little while. :)
Writing is my passion. I love creating new worlds and new characters, and taking wondrous adventures with them. It's the most awesome feeling to have others join me on those adventures... and I've only just begun. :) I write about ghosts, angels, fantasy, and even zombies.
My debut novel is In My Dreams, which I self-published.
My newest novel (Book 1 of a YA Paranormal Trilogy) has just been accepted by Crushing Hearts and Black Butterfly Publishing. YAY!!!

One day I will find my magic wardrobe, and ride away on my magical unicorn... ♥ Until then... I'll keep writing! ;)

Follow me: http://www.facebook.com/CameoRenaeFanPage
Twitter: @CameoRenae
Website: http://cameorenae.com/
Blog: http://cameorenae.blogspot.com/
Ce credeti despre carte?Va doriti sa o cititi?
 What do you think about the book? Would you like to read it?

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