duminică, 9 decembrie 2012

Pretty in Black, by Rae Hachton

Aseara am terminat de citit cartea asta fabuloasa si trebuie sa va spun ca mi-a placut la nebunie! <3
Sunt sigura ca ati mai auzit despre ea de pe alte bloguri, mai ales ca Booktown Lover si Bibliophile Mystery au demarat o campanie de publicare si in Romania. Si au avut un simt bun, pentru ca Pretty in Black e una din cartile pe care orice cititor avid de fantasy trebuie sa o aiba.
Am scris si recenzia, care intre noi fie vorba e kilometrica, dar ce sa-i faci, daca mi-a placut asa de mult cartea... :D Dar n-o sa v-o arat acum, ci pe 18 decembrie, cand e randul blogului I'm wide awake sa prezinte cartea in cadrul Blog Tour-ului ce se afla in curs de desfasurare. Voi trebuie doar sa fiti pe aproape si sa intrati pe blog atunci, ca sa puteti citi recenzia. :>

[Ellie Piper]
Ea a vrut sa moara. El s-a ridicat din mormant. El a fost trimis sa o ucida. Ea a fost antrenata sa ii omoare pe cei ca el. Dar soarta a avut alte planuri. El a cautat-o timp de 119 ani. Si nu este nici o cale sa o lase acum. Morti sau vii, soarta lor e stabilita.

[Marcus Marble]
Cat de departe esti dispus sa mergi pentru a fi cu cea pe care o iubesti? Ai muri pentru ea? Ai ucide pentru ea? Ce s-ar intampla daca ea ar fi singurul motiv pentru care mai esti in viata? Ce ar fi daca motivul pentru care te-ai intors din moarte ar fi sa fii impreuna cu ea? Ce ar fi daca datoria ta era s-o ucizi, dar te indragostesti de ea si acum esti vanat chiar de ai tai?

Sa Distrugi? Sau sa fii Distrus?

Fragmente din carte, extrase de mine: 

I didn’t feel like myself anymore. The girl who used to be a cheerleader, I no longer knew who she was. The new me dressed different, spoke different, had different interests than the old me. 
“You have a close friend?”
 “Yeah. I do. Two of them actually.” 
“Well, that’s good.” 
“Yeah, um, their names are Freud and Poe and we spend quality time together dissecting the hidden and deranged nature of the human mind. Yeah, I mean, it’s even kind of inspiring me to be a shrink, especially with all the talks you and I have. It’s so easy. You just ask a bunch of redundant questions that make people feel uncomfortable while simultaneously wasting their time.”

 Something, or someone is making you rather cheerful, lately.” Asphyxiate her, someone please, so I won’t have to hear her blabber mouth. 
“Is it a crime to be happy? My summer was hell, but of course you wouldn’t know about that.” “Yeah. Declan told me your Dad left and now you’re living in a trailer park. Must be tough.” I swallowed. Hard. She had no idea what it was like to one day live in a nice, loving home, then have a sister murdered and lose everything. She kept talking, and so I took my scissors and surreptitiously shortened a section of hair that was hanging near me and she didn’t notice. 

It was okay to have a broken heart, as I did, but it wasn’t okay to let people like Madison and Declan know I had one. They thrived off people’s weaknesses. I wasn’t about to give them a thrill. I could get over this. I knew I could. Especially the Declan part. I’d given myself entirely to him, and at the time, it felt like love. Now it felt more like rape. Nothing was real about it.


The whole time I thought, This is unreal. If he wouldn’t have stopped when he did, my heart might’ve exploded. He looked into me, his eyes on fire. A lingering intensity. The sky sprinkled snow on us. It fell all around and was warm instead of cold. This feeling was magical. Almost like being trapped behind the glass of a snow globe that depicted a beautiful and frightening image of two lovers dying to stay alive with their lips. The heavens spun around him and me. We were alone. We were isolated from existence. But we were one. 

People accept the kind of treatment in life they think they deserve, especially where love is concerned.


“Miss Piper, pay attention!” 
“It’s only math,” I said, a little too audibly. Madison looked out the window, saw Marcus, then glowered at me with a glint of jealousy in her eyes. 
“Well, after all, this is only your grade. This is only your future,” The Calc teacher said. I sighed. “Mrs. Taylor, with all respect, I’m not going to major in engineering or quantum physics. I may not go to college at all. I think having romantic affairs, belly dancing in Barcelona, and reading the greatest literary works of all time will suffice my life after high school. [...]''
[...]every time I thought about my life in terms of days, weeks, months, and even years from now, I kept seeing Marcus. I sighed. I’m a silly seventeen year old girl infatuated with a guy I barely know. Or…I may be…in love. I shuddered at the thought. But I did think of Marcus. A lot. He made me incredibly happy. I’m pretty sure I couldn’t see reality past the existence of his lips on mine, but I didn’t need to. Experiences taught me that life was short and sometimes you die young. And if fate were to decide that today be the last day of my life, then I didn’t want it to be ordinary or forgettable.

Rae Hachton

born: December 31, 1892 in France

twitter username raehachton

influences: The Raveonettes, Edgar Allan Poe, Tim Burton, Victorian Era/Victorian...more

Rae HachtonI am the author of Pretty in Black I'm also a self-proclaimed Vampire expert, and highly fascinated by Zombies.

My nom de plume is Rae Hachton, but my real name is Desirae. I write novels for young adults. I am the author of the Pretty in Black series, which is a Gothic Romance. Some of my favorite things are moonflowers, ravens and crows, The Raveonettes music, black roses, railroad tracks, the Victorian era, and cemeteries. If I could be a time of day, I would be 5:55 p.m. or that magical hour during sunset. More things that I like: Violin music, spiders & cobwebs, 50s music, skeletons, Dracula, & Castles. Also, I love Jones Soda and Pocky, and wishes Halloween were everyday.

Ce credeti despre aceasta carte? :> Ati citit-o/planuiti sa o cititi? :D

3 comentarii:

  1. Nu am citit primul volum insa sper sa o fac intr-o zi :D Pare interesanta seria! Mi-au placut citatele ~~

  2. @Alex, pe 18 o vezi! :D

    @Simona, pariez ca-ti va placea! E foarte frumoasa cartea, citatele sunt o mica parte din ce are de oferit cartea asta, as putea spune ca sunt a miia parte. :D Si cat de greu m-am hotarat ce citate sa postez, ca am foarte multe care sunt interesante. Mai pun o parte din ele pe 18, odata cu recenzia. :D


Spune-ti parerea! ;)