sâmbătă, 4 februarie 2012

Note muzicale pe portativul inimii tale... #3

Azi am descoperit o noua melodie cantata de Yiruma, Kiss the rain si mi-am amintit de ce imi place atat de mult muzica clasica. Pentru ca face ca totul sa para mai frumos si mai suav intr-o lume fara speranta.

Melodiile astea le ascult de cateva zile, nu credeam ca voi mai gasi o melodie care sa trezeasca atat de multe sentimente in mine. Vocea diafana a lui Colbie ma face sa vreau sa ascult muzica la nesfarsit.

''I wanna hear your heart, every single beat in part, the good and the bad, I swear I won't be mad. It's you I want, all of you...''

''The other day when someone asked me
"Are you living your dream?"
I didn't know what to say
I honestly had to think...
I try to be so many places at the same time
Every day a million things cluttering up my mind
Another feather falling off my wings
I climb so high it gets hard to breathe
Forget to remember what I really need..."

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