sâmbătă, 8 septembrie 2012

Recenzie Cicada de Belle Whittington

Aici este recenzia mea sincera.:)
Va multumim muuuult pentru sprijin.
Adry, Dee, Ramo multumesc pentru ajutorul la tradus.
Si imi pare rau pentru intarziere.
Am eliminat spoilerele ( majoritatea ) pentru a putea sa cititi recenzia.
So, feel free.
Curaand, interviu cu autoarea! <3



Imediat dupa absolvirea celor mari, Blair impreuna cu prietenii ei descopera ceva pe pasunile de langa casa. Ceva ciudat. Cineva a taiat iarba intr-un cerc perfect. Iar cand ea, impreuna cu fratele ei mai mare, Andrew si prietenii ei, David, Natalie si Everett se duc sa investigheze, au o coliziune cu niste fiinte neumane, ce planteaza un cocon in padure. Everett, pasionatul de gandaci ( i se spune si " bug boy " ), insista sa pastreze coconul, ducandu-l la locul unde depoziteaza intreaga lui colectie de gandaci vii, un depozit. Iar cand cu totii descopera o cladire abandonata, totul pare sa se complice. Andrew, David si Everett se decid sa incerce sa intre, curiosi. Andew si David gasesc impreuna fotografii agatate pe pereti cu Blair, mama ei si Natalie, cu Everett, cu toti. Pe masura ce vara trece, coconul incepe sa se transforme intr-o creatura ciudata ce ia forma si infatisarea lui Everett. Nestiind ce e, prietenii o boteaza "the Cicada". Toate piesele puzzle-ului incep sa se uneasca: cladirea abandonata ii ascunde pe ei, anume pe cei care o cauta pe Cicada si care o vor sa o distruga. Insa cum Everett era atasat de " clona lui " si semana cu ea, cei care doreau sa o ucida pe Cicada il caputureaza pe Everett si il tortureaza, pentru ca mai apoi Blair si restul sa il salveze din mainile lor. Blair decide ca Everett e prea ranit si cu totii il duc la spital, pretinzand ca a calarit noaptea si a cazut de pe cal. In timp ce Everett se vindeca, el si Blair realizeaza ca intre cei doi se naste o poveste de dragoste. Everett incepe sa se poarte ciudat: poarta ochelari foarte intunecati, ochii lui incepand sa arate ciudat. Este distant si tine secrete fata de Blair. Iar asta o inspaimanta. Iar cand vara asta, se pare, nu este destul de ciudata, Blair cauta in lucrurile tatalui ei decedat - si o cam ia razna - si gaseste alte piese de puzzle ( pe care nu am sa le divulg, ca sa para mai interesant! ). Si Blair mai afla un lucru foarte important ( pe care tot nu vi-l spun ). Si iata ca si vara nebunatica a trecut: Blair, fiind cea mai mica, ramane singura in micul ei orasel, in timp ce iubirea vietii ei, Everett, intra in Marina. Insa Everett ii promite lui Blair ca se va intoarce si o va cere de sotie.
Gosh! :x Ce sfarsit!

Citatele mele preferate

    " I don't give a damn who sees me kissing you ", he said while wiping the tears that began streaming down my cheeks. " I'm going to do what I have to do, and then I'm going to come back here and marry you! " - Everett ii spune lui Blair.


    " Will you be dangerous to others? " I asked.
    " Yes. I will be dangerous to others. Not anyone you should worry about, thought." 


  " Sweet Blair, Mom is here. Cry no more. Things are well as they were before. "
    Mom's rhymes always made me feel better.

Nota mea: 5/5 desigur!

Parerea mea: 

 S-a termina prea repedeee! Tocmai cand incepea sa fie mai incinsa atmosfera, atunci se hotaraste prostul de Everett sa plece! Mor de curiozitate sa aflu ce se va intampla in al doilea volum, Firefly ( licurici ). OK, poate Belle e umpic pasionata de insecte, pentru ca primul se numeste Cicada ( greier ). Dar, desigur, nu se refera clar la insecte. Titlul celui de-al doilea volum se numeste asa pentru caaaa...sa va zic? Pentru ca * spoiler * Everett ii spune la sfarsit ca Blair e lumina lui si o numeste licurici <3 Faza asta este desprinsa din filme - iar scrisa de Belle suna si mai bine. Mi-a placut foarte mult faptul ca in aceasta carte nu au existat complicatii ce tin de iubire - David si Natalie s-au protejat mereu unul pe altul si nu s-au certat, iar la sfarsit totul a devenit serios. Au fost doar cateva faze in care Blair si Everett s-au sarutat si au fost tari. :x. Povestea a avut mult mister, iar indiciile pe care Blair le descoperea in legatura cu noua amenintare din oras o faceau sa para foarte inteligenta. Singurul minus al aceste carti, dupa parerea mea, este ca Natalie nu a aparut mai deloc in carte, doar in unele faze.  
   Fiecare personaj avea ceva caracteristic.Everett era pasionat de gandaci, Natalie era fata mai de oras, umpic fricoasa, Andrew era fosrte cuminte si vroia sa se faca pastor, bunicul lui Blair ii spunea " sweet pea ". Totul parea adevarat, cu personalitate si cu tot.<3 



Right away after seniors' graduate, Blair together with her friends discover something on the pasture near home. Something strange. Somebody cut the grass in a perfect circle. And when she, together with her bigger brother, Andrew and her friends, David, Natalie and Everett go to investigate, they have a collision with abnormal creatures that plant a cocoon in the forest. Everett, the passionate of bugs ( called " bug boy " ) insists to keep the cocoon, bringing it at the place where he deposits his entire colection with live bugs, a store. And when they all discover an abandoned build, the things turn into something more complicated. Andrew, David and Everett decide to try to get in. Andrew and David find some pictures on the wall with Blair, her mother and Natalie, with Everett, with all.

As the summer ends, the cocoon turns into a creepy creature that takes Everett's shape and apprearence. Without knowing what it is, the friends call it " the Cicada ". All the pieces of the puzzle start to stick: the abandoned building is hiding them, those who are searching the Cicada and who want to destroy it. But as Everett becomes strongly attached to his clone, those who want to destroy Cicada capture and torture him.
Not much after that, Blair and her friends save Everett from their hands, and she decides that he is too injured, so they are bringing him to the hospital, pretending that he rode a horse in the night  and then he fell down from the horse. While Everett starts healing, he and Blair realize that between them a love story has grown. But Everett starts acting creepy: he wears some dark glasses, his eyes start to look strange, is being distant from Blair, and keeps secrets from her. And this is freaking her like hell. As if summer, it seems, wasn't strange enough, Blair decides  to take a look into her dead father's stuffs and finds another piece from the puzzle: it looks like her father was involved into those disturbing events. And then she finds out another shocking thing: she had a twin sister that died at birth.
Finally, the crazy summer has ended: Blair, the youngest, remains without her friends in her small town, while the love of her life, Everett, joins the Marina. But he promises Blair that he will come back someday and he will ask her to marry him.
Gosh! Such an end! :x

My favourite quotes
" I don't give a damn who sees me kissing you ", he said while wiping the tears that began streaming down my cheeks. " I'm going to do what I have to do, and then I'm going to come back here and marry you! " - Everett tells Blair.


" Will you be dangerous to others? " I asked.
" Yes. I will be dangerous to others. Not anyone you should worry about, thought."  - Blair and Everett


" Sweet Blair, Mom is here. Cry no more. Things are well as they were before. "
Mom's rhymes always made me feel better. - Blair's mother

 My mark:  5/5 ( of course! )

My opinion

It finished too faaaaaaast! Just when the atmosphere is getting hot, that stupid Everett decides to leave! I'm dying to know what is going to happen in the second novel, Firefly. OK, maybe Belle is a little passionate about insects, because the first novel is called Cicada. But, of course, it doesn't refer about insects. The title of the second book is called like this beacaaause...should I tell you? Because * spoiler * Everett is telling Blair, at the end, that she is his light and he is calling her firefly. <3 This moment is taken from a movie - and written by Belle sounds even better. I really liked that in this book aren't complications about love - David and Natalie protect each other and they didn't have a fight, so in the end everything turned into something more serious. There were just a few moments when Blair and Everett were kissing, but those moments were awesome, and I couldn't stop reading! The story had a lot of mistery.
Every character was having something special. Everettis passionate about bugs, Natalie is the girl-from-city type, Andrew is quiet and holy, and Blair's grandpa is calling her " sweet pea ". Everything seems true!

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