joi, 20 septembrie 2012

Review: Cicada, by Belle Whittington


In primul rand tin sa ii multumesc Ramonei pentru ajutorul oferit pentru aceasta recenzie !

Aceasta carte mi-a fost oferita de autoarea Belle Whittington pentru recenzie. Inca de la primele pagini am indragit-o foarte mult, iar dupa ce am terminat-o de citit, eram atat de captivata de ea incat mi-a venit o idee, un sambure care mai apoi a incoltit frumos si a crescut intr-o campanie de publicare.

 Am vorbit cu colegele mele, Sabryy si Ramo, si dupa aceea am vorbit si cu Belle despre intentia noastra de a crea o campanie de publicare. Dupa cum va dati seama, raspunsul ei a fost unul favorabil, ba chiar impresionant de bun pentru noi, si in acelasi timp si pentru voi, Belle fiind super incantata de campanie. Si la fel  suntem si noi,  speram ca efortul nostru nu va fi in zadar si ca vor putea si alti cititori romani sa se bucure de Cicada, in limba noastra de bastina.
Descrierea cartii m-a intrigat, inca de la inceput. De ce spun asta? Pentru ca de obicei in descrierile cartilor avem mult mai multe  detalii despre ceea ce urmeaza sa citim.  In cazul acesta, lucrurile stau putin diferit. Si pentru ca stim cu totii ca o carte fara descriere e ca sacul fara fund, nu-mi ramane decat sa va relatez descrierea cartii, asa cum este ea, urmand ca mai apoi sa dicutam pe marginea subiectului, despre ce am vazut special la aceasta carte si ce m-a atras cel mai mult.

Perioada verii pentru Blair Reynolds si prietenii ei mereu a fost una fara griji si plina de distractii…. asta pana cand in vara in care s-a intamplat ceva ciudat, ceva neomenesc. Ei se aliaza pentru a lupta pentru vietile lor. Adevarata iubire a lui Blair devine ceva mai mult decat umana, ceva nenatural. Supravietuirea lor depinde in totalitate de abilitatea lor de a tine un secret.

Romanul ne prezinta aventurile din vacanta de vara ale unui grup de prieteni. Actiunea acestuia are loc in Willis, Texas. Aventurile incep dupa absolvirea prietenilor lui Blair, care este si cea mai mica din grup, din aceasta cauza simtindu-se putin abandonata si lasata pe dinafara ca la sfarsitul verii ea va trebui sa ramana singura in acelasi orasel, in timp ce prietenii ei buni, si chiar fratele ei, de care este foarte apropiata, isi creaza un viitor.
Curand, Blair si prietenii ei se trezesc in fata unei descoperiri ciudate: un cerc, perfect creat in iarba. Cercetand zona, cu referire la faimoasa ‘’padure bantuita’’, acestia mai descopera ceva: un cocon! Coconul acesta nu era unul obisnuit, asemanator coconilor fluturilor sau altor fiinte, ci era unul de provenienta extraterestra. Cu trecerea timpului, creatura din interiorul coconului incepe sa se transforme intr-o fiinta umana, Blair si prietenii ei fiind terifiati atunci cand descopera ca in interiorul coconului creste si se dezvolta o creatura care ia tot mai mult infatisarea lui Everett . Acestia o numesc pe creatura “cicada”, un nume potrivit pentru aceasta creatura misterioasa.
Nu mult dupa aceasta descoperire, ei afla ca Cicada este in pericol, la fel si Everett. 
Existenta Cicadei trebuie sa ramana secreta, insa tu…

Poti pastra un secret ?

Vara aceasta se anunta a fi una plina de mister si aventuri, pentru prietenii nostrii din carte!

Sunteti curiosi cum se continua aventura? Hmm, nu va spun…  Va trebui sa cititi cartea! :D

Dupa atatea carti pline de fantasy, in special carti cu vampiri, varcolaci, si alte fiinte supranaturale, trebuie sa va spun ca aceasta carte aduce un aer proaspat, reinventeaza ideea de extraterestru, ne lasa sa ne imaginam o altfel de creatura extraterestra, diferita de cea cu care ne obisnuisem pana nu demult si de care ne temeam cand eram copii si priveam stelele in briza usoara a vantului.

Stilul de scriere a lui Belle m-a captivat complet. Relaxat, melancolic in unele parti si alert in celelalte, plin de imagini vizuale si auditive, reprezinta un deliciu pentru un cititor iubitor de SF!
Finalul a fost unul total neasteptat, insa cred ca il veti adora cu totii! Nici nu va mai spun cu cata nerabdare astept urmatorul volum, pentru ca nu m-ati crede! :D Insa un lucru e cert: Firefly promite a fi un volum plin de noi aventuri!

Personajul meu preferat este cu siguranta Blair. Mi-a placut comportamentul ei si felul de a actiona, naturaletea si simplitatea ei. Am simtit ce a simtit si ea, bucurie, tristete, sentimentele ei fiind foarte bine conturate , din aceasta cauza m-am si apropiat atat de mult de acest personaj.
Mi-a placut enorm de mult aceasta carte, v-o spun sincer si din tot sufletul! Belle a venit cu o poveste fantasy captivanta , o poveste despre iubire, si despre importanta prieteniei.

Daca v-am facut curiosi, sa stiti ca intr-adevar merita citita si rascitita! :D Va va incanta!

Citate :
“I cannot live without my live without my other. My other cannot live without me.”
“ Nu pot trai fara cealalta partea a mea. Cealalta parte a mea nu poate trai fara mine . “
“I’ll always be able to find my way home,” Everett’s voice resonated with anethereal tone I heard before in the Cicada’s voice. “You’ll be my own guiding light, my own firely in the darkness,” he pressed his lips against mine, and an electrical current flowed from his chest into mine as he pulled me tight againsthim once more. ”
“Can his other exist without him?”
“I want the old Everett back,” my voice sounded feeble, even on me.”
“I’m the same Everettt I always was. The same Everett that has loved you since I first clapped eyes on you”, he grabbed me by my wist and pulled me across the seat toward him.”
“If the Cicada could emit lighning, what could his other do?”
“Iknow other things now, too. Secrets … . ” his voice was growing fainter.


Trailer fan-made:


Multumesc nespus de mult ca ati avut rabdare sa cititi aceasta recenzie, si pentru ca sunteti alaturi de noi in aceasta ferma initiativa!


Belle Whittington sent me Cicada for review. From the first pages, I started to love it. And after I finished it, I was so captivated with it that I had an idea – a kernel, which developed nicely and grew into a publishing campaign. I talked with my fellows, Sabryy and Ramo, about my idea, and they loved it.  Then, I talked to Belle about our intention to create a publishing campaign for Cicada. As you can guess, her answer was a positive one, even impressively good for us, and at the same time for you. Belle is super excited about the campaign. We feel the same, and we hope that our effort will not be in vain. And we hope that other readers will have the opportunity to enjoy Cicada in Romanian!

The book description intrigued me from the beginning. Why I am saying this? Because, usually, the book description gives us more detail about what are we are going to read in the book. In this case, things are a little different. And as we all know, a book without a description is like a bottomless bag. First, I will relate to the book description as it is. Afterward, I will tell you about her subject, about what I think is special about it, and what attracted me the most.

Summertime for Blair Reynolds and her friends had always been carefree and fun… until the summer they happened upon something that was not human. As they band together in a fight for their lives, Blair’s true love becomes something more than human. Something unnatural. And their survival depends entirely upon their ability to keep a secret.

The novel presents us with the summer adventures of a group of friends. The action takes place in Willis, Texas. The adventures start after the graduation of Blair’s friends.  Blair is the youngest in the group. Because of this, she feels a little abandoned and left out. Following the end of the summer, she will remain alone in the same town while her best friends, even her brother, to whom she is very close, leave her to create a future of their own.
Soon, Blair and her friends find themselves in the midst of a weird discovery: a crop circle, perfectly created in the grass. Investigating the place, referring to the famous “haunted forest,” they discover something: a cocoon! This cocoon is not an ordinary one, like the butterflies or other insects; it is one of extraterrestrial origin. As time passes, the creature inside the cocoon starts to transform into a human being. Blair and her friends are terrified to discover that inside the cocoon grows and develops a creature who starts to look like Everett. They call the creature “Cicada,” an appropriate name for this mysterious being.
Not long after this discovery, they find out that both the Cicada and Everett are in danger. The Cicada’s existence must remain a secret, but …

Can you keep a secret?

 The summer seems to be one full of mysteries and adventures for our friends in the book!

Are you curious about the following adventures in the book? Well, I am not going to reveal all to you … You will have to read it! :D

After a lot of fantasy books, especially with vampires, werewolves, and other supernatural creatures, I must tell you that this book brings a breath of fresh air. It reinvents the idea of aliens. It lets us imagine a different type of alien than the one to which we are accustomed … the ones we feared when we were kids and watched for amidst the stars in the gentle breeze of the night.

Belle’s writing style captivated me completely. Relaxed, melancholic in some parts and alert in the others, full of visual and auditory images, it represents a delight for a lover of science fiction novels!
The finale was totally unexpected, but I believe you all will adore it! I cannot say to you how eagerly I am waiting the sequel to Cicada, because you would not believe me! But one thing is certain Firely – the promise to be a novel full of adventures!
My favorite character is definitely Blair. I loved her behavior, her characteristics, naturalness, and her simplicity. I felt what she felt … happiness and sadness. Her feelings are well contrasted, and this also made me feel so close to this character.

I love this book with all my heart! I am telling you this with all the sincerity and my soul. Belle came with a captivating fantasy story, a story about love and about the importance of friendship.
If I made you curious about it, please do not forget: it worth reading it and rereading it!  It will delight you!

Rating: 5 stars out of 5
Review by: Laura

Un comentariu:

  1. Suna interesant Cicada, chiar mi-ar placea sa o citesc la un moment dat. Din pacate acum sunt ingropata in carti :P


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