duminică, 15 aprilie 2012

''The Hunt''(''The Secret Circle''#5) creat de L.J. Smith, scris de Aubrey Clark :|

Dupa cum stiti, Alloy Entertainment, firma care produce serialele The Vampire Diaries, The Secret Circle, Pretty little liars si altele, ''s-a ocupat'' de continuarea trilogiei ''The Secret Circle'', care avand o continuare bine-inteles nu mai e o trilogie. Cum ''s-a ocupat''? Ca in cazul continuarii seriei ''Jurnalele Vampirilor'', au concediat-o pe L.J. Smith si au angajat alti autori de duzina ca sa continue povestea, pe bani mai putini.
Seria ''The Secret Circle'' are doar 3 volume scrise de Lisa, restul sunt scrise de Aubrey Clark(cine o mai fi si aia:)) ).
Primul volum scris de ea cred ca stiti si voi ca se numeste ''The Divide'', carte aparuta pe 20 martie 2012.

Keep your enemies close. . . . 

For the first time since moving to New Salem, Cassie Blake feels normal. She's dating her soul mate Adam and making new friends in town.
 But between the secret coven of witches she belongs to and the incredible power she holds within her, Cassie is leading a far from ordinary life. 
When tragedy strikes the Circle, Cassie realizes being extraordinary can be a curse.

Iar al doilea volum scris de Aubrey se pare ca se va numi ''The Hunt'' si va aparea pe 9 noiembrie 2012. Nu au aparut inca sinopsis-uri pentru ''The Hunt'', dar pentru ''The Divide'' exista de mult timp.

Fanii ambelor serii, ''The Vampire Diaries'' si ''The Secret Circle'' sunt nemultumiti de concedierea Lisei si protesteaza pe toate retelele de socializare, dar si pe amazon, goodreads, etc.

Nici mie nu mi se pare corect ca au concediat-o de la scrierea propriilor ei romane, ea vroia ca al patrulea volum al seriei ''The Secret Circle'' sa se numeasca ''The Black Skull''(''Craniul Negru''), dar se pare ca pe cei de la Alloy i-a durut drept in cot si i-au furat ambele serii.

Cateva comentarii ale fanilor protestatari:

 I won't read any of the ghostwritten books for The Secret Circle series or The Hunters series. By giving a 1 star to these books, I'm showing my dislike for Alloy Entertainment & HarperCollins for firing L.J. Smith. They are not allowing her to write her books the way she wanted, because they only care about what sells and don't have any respect for story telling at all.

 I don't know what to say about this I really don't! To put it simply there is no book or series without L.j Smith. If she thinks the series is concluded than it should be finished with, with absolutely no ghost writers. Just because there is a series based on the book, on the actual book that L.j Smith wrote does not mean the series should be continued or touched in any way or form.

Si scrisoarea scrisa de L.J. Smith in legatura cu incidentul 'The Vampire Diaries'':

"Hi —

Thank you so very much for your kind words about Midnight. I’m so glad
you’re enjoying it, and if you already know that Damon says those three
little words to Elena, then I expect you know what she does for him
afterwards. I can’t say how much I appreciate your understanding of the
book, but at the same time my heart is so heavy that I just can’t keep
pretending about what’s in the future for Delena fans.

You see, I’ve been fired from The Vampire Diaries—mainly because instead of giving my publishers the strict Stelana they demanded, I went ahead and wrote what my heart told me to do. They wanted Elena to “realize that she was fond of or physically attracted to Damon, but that her one true love was Stefan.” But I didn’t see the series that way. And so Midnight is the last Vampire Diaries book you’ll see by L. J. Smith.

You’re probably wondering how this can happen, since I write the series and have done so since 1990. But the truth is simple. When I got a call asking me to write a vampire trilogy for Harper, it wasn’t Harper who was calling me. It was a book packager, now called Alloy Entertainment, calling on Harper’s behalf. Their job was to take authors’ work, put blurbs and covers on it, and sell it to a publisher. When I wrote the first Vampire Diaries trilogy it was called “work for hire.” By the time I found out what that meant it was too late.

What it means is that the book packager, Alloy Entertainment, owns the
books, not me. Even though they are copyrighted to me, I still can’t write them without Alloy’s permission. And they really hated any Delena
content—as well as the many scenes I had given to Bonnie, which they wanted to cut. They demanded only Stelena. And now they’ve gotten an anonymous ghostwriter to do the books, the way a ghostwriter does Stefan’s Diaries.

The first book out after Midnight will probably sound something like my
writing, since I wrote Phantom for them. But instead of edits, what I got back after I wrote it was a letter addressed to the ghostwriter by name, telling her to completely rewrite the book.

I have been fighting, coaxing, and pleading with the people at both Alloy and Harper, as I already had the next two books after Phantom mapped out. But there is nothing to be done. They simply didn’t like the way the series was going, and unlike most writers who work with book packagers, I was not submissive, meek, and eager to please them. Instead, I had my own vision of the books. But you can kiss any more truly meaningful Delena moments goodbye, because I’m afraid it just isn’t the view of Harper or Alloy.

Meanwhile, I am devastated. Of course I have other series done directly
with a publisher: The Forbidden Game, Dark Visions, and the Night World
books. But I put so much of myself into the Vampire Diaries books that
right now I’m devastated. I never imagined anything like this could happen. But still, I can’t say that I regret having written Shadow Souls or Midnight the way I did. I wrote what I did because that was the vision I saw of the characters.

I’m just sorry that from now on Delena readers will have no hope of anything other than a Stelena endgame, and that written by someone who will do exactly what she is told.

L. J. Smith"

Ce credeti despre aceasta ''incurcatura''? Eu una nu voi mai cumpara nici una din cartile scrise de Aubrey Clark si de oricine altcineva in afara de Lisa, cum nu am citit nici ''Jurnalele lui Stefan'', ma voi multumi sa recitesc volumele scrise de ea. Altfel, nu mi se pare corect. Macar atata loialitate pot sa dovedesc celei care a creat aceste serii minunate, pe care le gasiti la preturi accesibile la Editura Leda(''Jurnalele Vampirilor'') si CORINTeens("Cercul Secret'').

3 comentarii:

  1. Sincer, mie mi-a placut seria asta si cred ca ar fi trebuit sa ramana la stadiul de trilogie. Nu stiu ce ar mai putea creea care sa tina in priza cititorii si sa nu-i plictiseasca, asa cum s-a intamplat cu Jurnalele Vampirilor.

  2. Pfft... ce nedrept. Nici eu nu voi citi continuarile, nu mi s-ar parea corect.

  3.  Same here! Chiar daca o sa tanjesc dupa ele ca dupa aer, ma abtin.


Spune-ti parerea! ;)